Support our Brothers and Sisters

Brothers and Sisters,  Members of the Professional Aviation Safety Specialists (PASS) will be picketing at the Manchester-Boston Regional Airport (MHT) this coming Saturday, January 26, 5:00 – 10:00 AM. These hardworking men and women have been working without pay over the government shutdown, doing the hard work of keeping air travel safe. Here are the details for the picketing: Saturday, January 26, 2019
Terminal side South of the first set of doors (We will meet here)
We have PASS informational signs and handouts.
The location will be outside the terminal, with the ability to rotate inside for coffee and breaks to warm up, so please dress appropriately – jacket, hat, gloves etc. Parking is available in economy (short walk) or in the parking garage with a skybridge connected to the terminal. In Solidarity.
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