On Sat. Feb 9, we need your participation!

Brothers and Sisters, I am passing along an invitation to a Faith and Labor partnership event. Your participation would be valuable. Many are honoring the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who was assassinated while standing in solidarity with striking sanitation workers struggling to unionize through AFSCME. He personified Faith & Labor together. But today, as anti-union, anti-worker sentiment is running rampant throughout the U.S., isn’t it important to build this same sense of faith & labor solidarity right here in New Hampshire? A number of individuals and groups have come together to explore the power of a stronger FAITH-LABOR PARTNERSHIP in NH: Saturday February 9 (9-1; 8:30 registration) at the State Employees Association offices in Concord (207 North Main Street). Light lunch will be provided. Also, Dr. Joerg Rieger, co-author of the book Unified We Are a Force: How Faith and Labor Can Overcome America’s Inequalities will join us briefly by Skype. (Copies of the book will be available, too.) YOUR voice and participation matter in this discussion. So JOIN US! Register by emailing economicjustice.nhcucc@gmail.com and indicate your union affiliation plus your faith affiliation if any.
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