For Immediate Release
Feb. 17, 2021
Contact: Kalina Newman,
Statement by New Hampshire AFL-CIO President Glenn Brackett Regarding Federal Court Order for Remote Access to House Session
“Next week, the New Hampshire House of Representatives will meet for a two-day House session. As of right now, all House members are required to attend this session in person.
The New Hampshire AFL-CIO strongly urges our state representatives to provide remote accommodations for lawmakers who have special vulnerability to COVID-19, as defined by the ADA and Rehabilitation Act. No person should fear going to work. By not allowing these legislators to safely participate, they are essentially disenfranchising thousands of Granite Staters who voted for these representatives. This pandemic is not over. Until our communities are sufficiently vaccinated, we must continue to take necessary precautions to ensure the safety of us all.
Our state government is one of the oldest in the nation. And it’s worked, year after year, because it is a system founded on ‘principles of equality, and representation.’ Let’s make sure to honor these values by allowing remote access for lawmakers ahead of next week’s House session.”