NH AFL-CIO Legislative Conference votes on 2018 endorsements

On Saturday, September 22, the New Hampshire AFL-CIO convened its 2018 Legislative Conference and confirmed the endorsement of candidates for Governor, U.S. Congress, NH Executive Council, State Senate, and 169 candidates for NH House of Representatives.

The purpose of the conference is to endorse candidates who support the core values of the NH AFL-CIO, our affiliates and their members and to protect and further the rights of working people in New Hampshire. Endorsements are made on recommendations from the NH AFL-CIO Legislative Committee and nominations by the Conference, based on the candidates’ satisfactory score on the 2018 issues questionnaire or a positive voting record on NH AFL-CIO legislative priorities and/or a discussion key issues with the NH AFL-CIO President.

A PDF document of our 2018 candidate endorsements may be found here

NH AFL-CIO 2018 Candidate Endorsements 09 27 2018_revisions
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