The 2023 NH AFL-CIO Linda Horan Scholarship Awards!


Dear Brothers and Sisters:

We are pleased to announce that to help with the constantly increasing costs of higher education, the NH AFL-CIO will this year award a minimum of three scholarship awards: the first for $1500, second for $1000 and third for $750 for the 2023-2024 school year. We may be able, if we raise additional funds, to offer more scholarships.

For the last several years, we’ve commemorated our Sister Linda Horan, longtime IBEW member and former Chair of the Scholarship Committee who lost her hard-fought battle with cancer in early 2016 by conducting the scholarship in her name. The scholarship program was a labor of love for Linda, who was always committed to “leaving the ladder down” for the next generation. It is our hope to honor Linda’s passionate advocacy for workers again this year by making it a banner year for the Linda Horan Scholarship Program. We can only do that with your help!

We are asking at this time for any financial assistance that your local is able to provide to help us maintain our successful AFL-CIO Scholarship Essay Program and maximize the amount of scholarship aid we can offer. Through the generosity of our affiliates, we were able to offer a record amount of assistance last year and we hope to help even more students in their quest for higher education this fall.

We hope you will also encourage your members to contribute to the Linda Horan Scholarship Program and that you will share with them the enclosed contribution form. Making a tax-deductible contribution to help fund the Scholarship Program is a great way for us all to lead by example and to leave the ladder down for others to follow. In the words of labor’s great friend, the late Senator Paul Wellstone, “Never separate the life you live from the words you speak.”

Most importantly, please help to get the word out to your members about the scholarship program so that they are aware of this great benefit available to members and their families. It pays to belong!

Enclosed you will find the contribution forms, the scholarship application, and the announcement (this includes the 2023 essay topic and the rules).

Winners are selected based on essays that are submitted on a topic selected by the Scholarship Committee. Essays are judged on understanding, writing style, content, and the significance of Labor Unions. Applicants are encouraged to draw on the experiences of their families and communities which will provide an opportunity for students to discuss unions with their parents and for members to think about what their union means to them.

Returning to our pre-COVID tradition of announcing the scholarship recipients at our Labor Day Breakfast, we will invite the winners to join us and be honored at the breakfast on the morning of September 4th at the Doubletree in Manchester.

This year the deadline for receipt of applications and essays is Friday, July 28, 2023, at 4 p.m. Winners will be announced on or before August 18, 2023.

We thank you in advance for your help and support in making this a special year to honor Sister Linda and carry on her passion for many years ahead. If you have questions, please contact us at 603-623-7302.

Scholarship Announcement & Rules

Scholarship Application

Scholarship Fund Contribution Form 

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