How to make your voice heard in Concord!


You can sign in to support or oppose any House or Senate bill! Just follow the directions below!


Members of the public may attend/view/sign in in opposition/support (but not testify) using  the following links:  

To view/attend the hearing online (YouTube): Click here and select relevant “Committee”

Here is the information/instructions for those that wish to sign up and testify: 

  1. To sign in to register your position on a bill and/or submit testimony, use this  link:
  2. Select the relevant date and committee for the hearing by clicking on it in the Meeting  Schedule Calendar (make sure you are on the right week!). 
  3. After clicking the link, scroll to the bottom of the webpage and click the button that says  “Remote Sign In.”  
  4. After clicking “Remote Sign In,” on the next webpage, select the date of the hearing on the  calendar, by clicking on the relevant date. 
  5. In the dropbox below “Select the Committee,” select the relevant committee. 
  6. In the dropbox below “Choose the Bill,” select the appropriate time and bill number 
  7. Select the appropriate option for the “I am” dropbox (likely “Member of the Public”). 
  8. Fill in the content box under “I’m Representing” with the business, organization, or group  you are representing. If you are representing yourself only, write “myself.” 
  9. Under the “Indicate Your Position on this Bill,” check the circle stating your position on the  bill. 
  10. After filling in all of the appropriate dropboxes, click “Submit.” 
  11. After clicking submit, you will be brought to the next page, where you will fill in the content  boxes with your first and last name, as well as your town, state, and email address. 12. Press “Continue.” 
  12. If you wish to speak during the hearing to present your testimony, you will need to attend in  person at the State House, but you upload your testimony if you cannot attend. 14. If you wish to submit testimony on the bill, email the relevant committee and upload the  testimony file from your computer (if you need assistance in this, we are happy to help). 15. Once you have reviewed that the information that you have entered is accurate, click the  checkbox that confirms that the information which you provided is true, and click  “Continue.”



Members of the public may attend/view/sign in in opposition/support (but not testify) using  the following links:  

To view/attend the hearing online (YouTube): Click here and select relevant “Committee”

Here is the information/instructions for those that wish to sign in in opposition/support: 

  1. To sign in to register your position on a bill and/or submit testimony, use this  link: 
  2. Select the relevant date and committee for the hearing by clicking on it in the Meeting  Schedule Calendar (make sure you are on the right week!) 
  3. After clicking the link, scroll to the bottom of the webpage and click the button that says  “Remote Sign In.”  
  4. After clicking “Remote Sign In,” on the next webpage, fill in the content boxes with your  first and last name, as well as your town, state, and email address. 
  5. Select the date of the hearing on the calendar, by clicking on the relevant date (in this case,  February 3rd
  6. In the dropbox below “Select the Committee,” select relevant committee. 
  7. In the dropbox below “Choose the Bill,” select the appropriate time and bill number 
  8. Select the appropriate option for the “I am” dropbox (likely “Member of the Public”) 
  9. Fill in the content box under “I’m Representing” with the business, organization, or group  you are representing. If you are representing yourself only, write “myself.” 
  10. Under the “Indicate Your Position on this Bill,” check the circle stating your position. 26. If you wish to speak during the hearing to present your testimony, you will need to attend in  person at the State House, but you upload your testimony if you cannot attend. 27. If you wish to submit testimony on the bill, click the “Choose File” button to upload the  testimony file from your computer. 
  11. Once you have reviewed that the information that you have entered is accurate, click the  “Submit” button at the bottom of the webpage.
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