We are thrilled to announce that we will, once again, be holding our annual Labor Day Breakfast in-person, and at a new location! This year’s Labor Day Breakfast will be taking place at the DoubleTree Armory in Manchester, New Hampshire. Hundreds of our Brothers and Sisters from across the region will be joining us, as well as some very special guest speakers.
It is going to be our organization’s largest breakfast in history!
WHAT: 2023 New Hampshire AFL-CIO Labor Day Breakfast
WHEN: Monday, September 4th – Doors Open = 8:30 AM – Event Start Time = 9:00 AM
WHERE: DoubleTree Hotel Armory Ballroom – 700 Elm Street, Manchester, NH
For tickets and sponsorship options, click here and you will be directed to the online ticket purchasing website.
Ticket and Sponsorship information below:
- $5,000.00 = Solidarity Sponsorship – Premium Full Page in Event Program + Table (10 event tickets) + Acknowledgement from the Podium
- $2,500.00 = Union Strong Sponsorship – Full Page + Table (10 event tickets) + Acknowledgment from the Podium
- $1,500.00 = Unity Sponsorship – Half Page + Table (10 event tickets) + Acknowledgment from the Podium
- $1,000.00 = People Power Sponsorship – Quarter Page + Table (10 event tickets) + Acknowledgment from the Podium
- $250.00 = Friend of Working Families Sponsorship – Honorable Mention in Event Program + 1 Event Ticket
$50.00 = for a single event ticket
$500.00 = for a table (10 event tickets)
(no charge for children under 5)
If you would like to purchase your tickets by USPS mail, you can do so by mailing a check or money order to our office, located at: 161 Londonderry Turnpike, Hooksett, NH 03106 (CHECKS SHOULD BE MADE OUT TO NH AFL-CIO)
*Please indicate in the notes section of your check which ticket/sponsorship option you are purchasing for the event.