Voluntary Paycheck Deductions of Union Dues

In New Hampshire , union members may elect to have their union dues automatically deducted from their paychecks. In recent years, bills to prohibit employers from allowing voluntary, automatic deductions of union dues from employee paychecks have advanced in several states. A close kin of “right-to-work,” the purpose of this legislation is to hurt labor unions and shrink wages by making it harder to collect the membership dues unions need to cover operating costs and provide basic services to the workers they are legally obligated to represent.

Similar legislation has been introduced several times in New Hampshire but has failed to pass.


Public testimony of NH AFL-CIO President Glenn Brackett for the NH House Committee on Labor, Industrial and Rehabilitative Services in opposition to House Bill 438 (2017), eliminating the automatic union dues payment for state employees; March 1, 2017. (PDF format)

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