Congratulations to our 2023 NH AFL-CIO Linda Horan Scholarship Awards winners!


Congratulations to the winners of the New Hampshire AFL-CIO 2023 Linda Horan scholarships!

Everyone at the New Hampshire AFL-CIO wishes to offer our hearty congratulations to the winners of this year’s Linda Horan scholarship Awards! this year we took a slightly different approach because of the uniform quality of the  essays that were submitted.

 Our winners in order this year are:

 First place – Kathryn Craig of Manchester, who was awarded $2,500

 Second place – Alec Darrow of Nashua, who was awarded $1,500

 and third place – Sierra Chabot of Campton, who was awarded $1,000.

Additionally, the scholarship committee chose to award $500 each to the following applicants because of the excellence of their submissions. So congratulations also go out to Claire Reynolds of Nashua, Carolyn Foreman of Manchester, and Andrew Sockey of Amherst. The excellent work that all of these applicants put into their essays and the insight and passion they brought to them inspires confidence in the future of the labor movement and the working families that it supports. Thanks again to all of our applicants and congratulations to our winners and runners-up!

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