New Labor 2018 Walk Dates Announced


The New Hampshire AFL-CIO has announced new labor walk dates to support the state labor federation’s endorsed candidate, Mark MacKenzie for Congress in NH CD1. Please check out the event page for new dates and a link to sign up online, or email for more information.

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Bernie Sanders to headline 2018 Labor Day Breakfast

(August 8th, 2018 – Hooksett, NH) New Hampshire AFL-CIO President Glenn Brackett announced today that long-time friend of the Granite State labor community Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) will serve as the keynote speaker at the AFL-CIO’s annual Labor Day Breakfast. The breakfast is to be held at St. George Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Manchester on Monday, September 3rd at 9:00am.

“Sen. Sanders’s advocacy and passion in his support of working families are American values whose time have come” Brackett said, adding “Bernie Sanders’s leadership sharpens the focus on the national conversation towards issues that affect every worker, in every community in this country.”

Sen. Sanders has recognized the importance of the AFL-CIO NH Labor Day Breakfast by attending and speaking at this event a number of times. Attracting over 300 of the most active and influential advocates for workers in the state, the NH AFL-CIO’s Labor Day Breakfast represents the traditional kickoff of the campaign season and an opportunity for Labor to demonstrate support for pro-worker candidates in the fall elections.

Sanders, first elected to Congress in 1990 after serving as Burlington’s mayor, has been an advocate for workers’ rights in Washington and earned a lifetime AFL-CIO rating of 99%. He has been a dependable presence in the Granite State and won New Hampshire’s first-in-the-nation presidential primary with 61% in 2016.

“We are excited that Senator Sanders will help to make our Labor Day Breakfast a memorable event,” Brackett said.

For Labor Day Breakfast ticket information and other details, please visit the event page.

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2018 Candidate Questionnaire Deadline is August 17

2018 candidates for New Hampshire Senate and House of Representatives must submit a completed NH AFL-CIO 2018 Candidate Questionnaire to be considered for our endorsement. The deadline for submissions is 5:00pm on Friday, August 17.

All candidates who filed for State Representative or Senate districts were mailed information about how to access the NH AFL-CIO 2018 questionnaire online and how to request a PDF or printed copy of the questionnaire by email or regular mail. Instructions were mailed to all candidates at the mailing address reported to the Secretary of State at the time of filing.

For more information about how to access the candidate survey online and how to request the questionnaire in an alternate format, please visit our 2018 Candidate Survey page. Candidates who need a reminder email with the survey password should send an email including your your full name and the House or Senate district in which you are seeking election to .


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